Digital donations empower charitable giving anywhere

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Read full story here: Nonprofit Technology News: Written by Nina Vellayan

In the last year, mobile giving grew by 24 percent. To welcome younger, digitally native members, nonprofit and faith-based organizations are meeting their new members where they’re most comfortable — on their phones.

According to Nina Vellayan President of Stewardship Technology, Faith-based organizations are still a few years behind most other nonprofits in terms of enabling digital giving, but we’re seeing that begin to change. Newer congregation members, preachers, and staff who are comfortable with technology basics are helping the sector rapidly catch up to its peers.

As noted, last year faith-based organizations saw the greatest increase in online giving compared to other nonprofit organizations and charities. As these organizations begin to use more mobile- and social-first strategies, more members will be able to tithe and donate with the click of a button.

Looking ahead in 2019, a few things are clear: a strategy that allows online giving will help nonprofit and charitable organizations meet their goals, the ability to meet donors anywhere they prefer to give will be critical in driving donations and activating new donors, and faith-based organizations will continue to increase their technology adoption to support tech-savvy members.

By focusing on making giving as easy as possible and connecting with new donors wherever they are, nonprofit and faith-based organizations can use technology to increase charitable giving and maximize their missions’ impact.

Read more here from Nonprofit Technology News, which also includes the annual charitable giving report.